Fixed — Stuck on “Loading devices..” Android Studio

Narayan Panthi
3 min readJul 10, 2021


Easily fix the problem of “Loading devices” in your Android Studio with this quick solution! 🚀

Problem Statement

Recently, I encountered an issue with Android Studio IDE where I was unable to see my connected devices. It was kind of STUCK.

The problem appears as shown in the screenshot below:

Stuck on Loading Devices

Everything else was functioning as anticipated — from building APKs to ADB displaying the list of devices. The sole issue was that the “Loading Devices” section was inactive.

Solution 🚀

The main issue was that ADB is having trouble recognizing connected devices,

Step 1: Go to SDK Location.

For Mac Os:

/Users/<your username>/Library/Android/sdk

For Windows


For Linux


And Delete the platform-tools folder.

Location of platform-tool

Then, Go to SDK Manager

Fig. Navigating to SDK manager
Fig. Showing Package Details

Then, Click on Show Package Details & Install your required SDK Platform.

See example for Android 11.0 (R) Section.

Apply & Restart. This should solve your issue.

If the error doesn’t go away, Try Invalidate Caches/ Restart.

That’s all.

In my case, The bug ran away like a rabbit. 💁

If Still, the error doesn’t go away from your IDE. And If it’s making you hit your head on the wall. Go Ahead & Try that too 🤭


Close the Android Studio Project & Go to the welcome screen.

Restore Default Settings. And Restart your device once.

Thank you. Check out more at Stackoverflow solution, one may work out for your case.

Good Luck & Meow 😼

