PinnedPublished inKt. AcademyJetpack Compose Android Beginner’s Series 🚀A straightforward no — nonsense insights leading you from foundational basics to advance.Jan 29, 20242Jan 29, 20242
PinnedPublished inNerd For TechChange Retrofit Base URL on Runtime.Switch between multiple base url like prod | dev in retrofit easily.Sep 5, 20212Sep 5, 20212
PinnedPublished inNerd For TechNested RecyclerView In AndroidA perfect guide to implement nested recyclerview & its optimization.May 26, 20212May 26, 20212
Published inKt. AcademyLocalization in Jetpack ComposeChange App Language in jetpack compose — The right wayFeb 9Feb 9
Published inKt. AcademyDialogs in Jetpack ComposeCreate beautiful dialogs in Jetpack ComposeAug 26, 20243Aug 26, 20243
Published inKt. AcademyNested LazyColumn in Jetpack ComposeWe generally use columns and rows to arrange components in compose. But when we want to display large set of data we should use LazyColumn…Apr 16, 20245Apr 16, 20245
Published inKt. AcademyState Management in Jetpack Compose ☄Core concepts of Composables and its helping hands — Episode IIIMar 11, 2024Mar 11, 2024
Published inKt. AcademyLearn iOS App Development in Context Of Jetpack ComposeGet ready to compare SwiftUI & Jetpack ComposeFeb 27, 20241Feb 27, 20241
Published inKt. AcademyJetpack Compose Navigation GuideLearn about Nested, BottomAppBar, and Dialog Navigation— in Jetpack ComposeFeb 3, 20242Feb 3, 20242
Published inNerd For TechUpload Images with Retrofit2 — AndroidLearn with ActivityResult API, A Standard way to upload any media with retrofit.Jan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023